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Crème de Menthe

Crème de menthe is a mint liqueur originating from France. It has a strong mint taste with sweet tones of flavor, and has a 25-30% alcohol content by volume.
Since this recipe gets its taste directly from mint leaves and does not contain any artificial preservatives, it should be kept in a refrigerator.



  1. Rinse the mint leaves and dry them using paper towels.
  2. Shred the leaves to tiny pieces and drop them into a glass container where the vodka would fit along with them.
  3. Pour the vodka over the leaves and close the container. Leave it for 2-3 days.
  4. Heat up the water in a pan while adding the sugar into it until the sugar completely dissolves in the water.
  5. Let the sugar-water mix cool down or cool it down by partially submerging the pan into cold water.
  6. Drain the mint-infused vodka into the mix along with the lime juice. Don't be afraid to apply some pressure in the wet leaves to force the vodka out of them.
  7. Add the food coloring and funnel the drink into a glass container.


You can fine-tune some of the ingredients and calculate the alcohol content by volume for the final product here.
These fields are not validated. The percentage is always updated when any of them changes.

Vodka: Alcohol Content: %
Vodka: Amount: dl
Water: Amount: dl
Sugar: Amount: dkg
The end result will approximately have an alcohol content of 25% by volume.